UX | Copy | Leadership



Oh, hey what's up?

I'm Jessica Drew, a seasoned copywriter, creative manager, and UX expert with 12 years of diverse experience in the industry. I've had the pleasure of working in both agency and in-house environments, honing my skills and delivering exceptional results for clients.

Beyond my professional life, I have many passions that bring me joy. Firstly, I am an avid lover of Shih tzus, and their adorable antics always brighten my day. Secondly, I have a deep passion for guitars and the world of music, which has not only inspired my creativity but also taught me the importance of rhythm and harmony in everything I do.

When I'm not immersed in the digital realm, you might find me exploring estate sales, hunting for hidden treasures and unique artifacts. It's the thrill of discovering something unexpected that keeps me engaged and sparks my curiosity.

As a copywriter, my unique strength lies in my ability to seamlessly pick up a brand voice and translate it into actionable copy that works holistically across multiple platforms. I am a true unicorn in the industry, combining my background in design with a wealth of experience in both UX and traditional marketing copywriting. This versatility allows me to craft cohesive narratives that captivate audiences, while ensuring an exceptional user experience.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of collaborating with cross-functional teams, bringing together my skills in design, copywriting, and UX to create impactful and memorable experiences. I thrive in fast-paced environments, where I can utilize my strategic thinking and adaptability to deliver results that exceed expectations.

On this website, you'll find a showcase of my work, highlighting the projects where I've made a significant impact. Whether it's crafting compelling website copy, developing engaging social media campaigns, or designing intuitive user interfaces, I take pride in my ability to marry creativity with strategy to drive measurable results.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I invite you to explore my work and learn more about how I can bring my unique blend of expertise and passion to your projects. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary together!

Feel free to reach out to me via email (jessicadrew@me.com) I look forward to connecting and discussing how we can create exceptional experiences that resonate with your audience.